Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Tames)


Isambard Kingdom Brunel was acknowledged in his own lifetime as the greatest British engineer, and in the twenty-first century a BBC poll rated him the second greatest Briton of all time.
He completed the first tunnel under the Thames, designed the first successful steamship to combine an iron hull and screw propulsion, bridged the rivers Tamar and Avon, constructed the first railway to run express services, and launched the biggest ship the world had ever seen, the Great Eastern.
He died knowing only that her maiden voyage had ended in failure, and that the Clifton Suspension Bridge, his first major project, was still uncompleted.

This new edition of a classic Shire book uses a revised selection of original drawings, photographs, and paintings to illustrate the story of this great Victorian engineer.

Richard Tames read history at the University of Cambridge, and took his Master’s degree at Birkbeck College, London.
He teaches for Syracuse University’s London programme.

William Morris, Robert Adam, and The Victorian Public House are among his six other books for Shire.

Author: Richard Thames
Format: Paperback


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