Another attempt to excavate a carriage road under
the bed of the Thames, at Rotherhithe, is in con-
templation, under the superintendance of Mr.
BRUNEL and assistants. However valuable such a
communication would doubtless prove to the com-
mercial inhabitants of the east end of the Metro-
polis, we despair of seeing it carried into effect. –
Not for want of enterprize or want of capital, for
the resources of the country seem adequate to any
undertaking; but on account of the nature of the
substrata where the experiment is to be made. It
unfortunately happens that the bed of the Thames
at Rotherhithe, consists of alternate strata of gravel
and loose sand to a considerable depth ; and, con-
sequently, it would be scarcely possible to prevent
the penetration of the water, even during the pro-
secution of the work. Unless the excavation could
be carried down to the chalk, which would be quite
absurd for various reasons, we have no idea of the
scheme being carried into execution with perfect
safety from inundation. – (Literary Museum)