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Dinner at the Thames Tunnel (longer)

Banquet description inc.Coldstream Guards and toasts. (To be preferred over Y3202547223)
Date 12 November, 1827
Reference BP008_R3211811366
Publication The Standard

An article from The Standard, published on Monday the 12th of November 1827, going into detail about the banquet in the Thames Tunnel the Saturday before, 10th November 1827.


On Saturday evening a most interesting occurrence

took place, a dinner in the Tunnel to commemorate the

expulsion of the Thames. About eight o’clock, after the

usual hours of admission to the public were over, the

festive preparations commenced; tables were spread for

between 30 and 40 gentlemen, immediate friends of

Mr. Brunel, jun. the resident engineer, who presided

on the occasion.


The arrangement comprehended the comfort of every

individual, with a kind of scenic effect, which it is diffi-

cult to describe. The tables were lighted with large

handsome candelabra of portable gas. The smaller

arches of the Tunnel were hung with crimson drapery.


At a short distance from the bottom of the table

were placed the band of the Coldstream Guards; who,

in compliment to the occasion, had been directed to at-

tend in their uniforms, which added to the great bril-

liancy of the scene.


About half-past eight the company descended by the

shaft, and entered the Tunnel, when the band struck

up a favourite air from Der Freischutz. The coup d’oeil

of the festive board was more like enchantment than reality;

upon a nearer approach, however, the com-

pany found it no unsubstantial pageant, but an excel-

lent and well-appointed dinner.

After the cloth was removed, the following toasts

were drunk, viz.- “The King” (four times four); tune,

“God save the King.” “The Duke of York” (in

silence.) “The Duke of Clarence and the Navy”

(three times three); tune, “Rule Britannia.” “The

Duke of Wellington (one of the noble proprietors) and

the Army” (three times three); air “See the con-

quering hero comes.”


In proposing the health of his Majesty, the chair-

man aptly observed that the health of our gracious

Sovereign had been drank in every clime; but hitherto

never under that river which carried over their heads

the wealth of nations into the wealthiest metropolis in

the world.


Mr. Bandinel then rose, and observed that it had

fallen to his lot to propose the health of an eminent in-

dividual known, he might say, through every part of

the world; but more especially known in the place

where he had now the honour of of addressing them. He

then proposed the health of Mr. Brunel.


Mr. Benjamin Hawes, jun., in the absence of the

chairman, returned thanks for Mr. Brunel, sen., who

was not present.


Mr. Beamish next proposed the “chairman and

Court of Directors.” He remarked particularly upon

the benefits which have arisen to the British nation

from the power of public companies, and more espe-

cially those which promoted undertakings at home like

the present; and he concluded by complimenting the

Board of Directors.

Mr. Gravatt then gave the “Royal Engineers.”


Captain Stevens, Equerry to his Royal High-

ness the Duke of Gloucester, rose and pro-

posed the “health of the Civil Engineers of

England.” He thought that this toast was never

more appropriately given than on such an occasion as

the present, when the company were met to celebrate

the successful efforts of of one of the most distinguished

members of the profession. This toast too was given

at a most auspicious moment, when the news had just

reached them, through the Gazette Extraordinary, of a

glorious victory gained on that element under which

they were assembled. He complimented the chairman

on the excellent banquet provided. He, for his part,

had never dined better in his life, or enjoyed happier

society. – Tune – “O the Roast Beef of Old England.”


This toast was followed by Mr. Bandinel proposing

the health of the resident and two assistant engineers,

and, alluding to their number, quoted a German pro-

verb – to the effect that all good things are three,

and nobody would deny that these three were good – he

therefore proposed success to the worthy triad, “Mr.

Brunel, jun., Mr. Gravatt, and Mr. Beamish,” with

three times three.


Thanks were returned by Mr. Brunel, jun.

Thanks were returned by Mr. Brunel, jun.

Mr. Benjamin Hawes, jun., then begged to observe

that hitherto the toasts of the evening had very pro-

perly been addressed to the honour of those individuals

whose talents had planned, and whose purses had sup-

ported, the undertaking, but they had yet to remark

the abilities of the gentleman who had executed that

portion of the machinery to which their success was

mainly indebted. Mr. Brunel had indeed given di-

rections for the construction of the shield, by which

they were now protected from the invading waters.

However admirably the plan was conceived, how-

ever judiciously the forces were combined, it was

mainly owing to the inimitable workmanship of

Mr. Maudslay, which characterized every thing

proceeding from his hands, that the practical

efficacy of the shield was to be attributed.


Mr. Maudslay, jun. returned thanks in the name of

his father, and expressed his confidence in the final

success of this enterprise.


“The health of the miners, bricklayers, and la-

bourers,” was proposed by Mr. Palmer, Engineer of

the London Docks.


Thanks were returned in honest and heartfelt terms

by Lane, the foreman of the works.

Mr. Bandinel then rose to propose the name of Sir

Edward Codrington to the company, not only as one of

the directors, “but as one of those officers formerly

uncommon, but now, I rejoice to say, common in the

British navy, uniting theory with practice, the soundest

heart with the clearest head. Though known to me

as to an humble one out of millions, I have always

thought of him that if ever a time should arrive when

his country would require the judgement of a sound

mind, happily combined with the execution of a ready

hand, Sir E. C. was that man. Gentlemen, that time has

arrived. The Gazette of this evening, which I hold

in my hand, announces, that through him the Turkish

power has received a severer check than it has ever suf-

fered since Mahomet drew the sword. Gentlemen, it

may be said, that the wine-abjuring prophet conquered

by water – upon that element his successors have now

been signally defeated. My motto, therefore, on this

occasion, when we meet to celebrate the expulsion of

the river from this spot is, “Down with Water and

Mahomet; Wine and Codrington for ever!” Three

times three.


Tune – “Britons strike Home.”


Captain Codrington, of the Guards, son of the ad-

miral, thanked the meeting for this distinguished mark

of their regard, assuring them of the deep and constant

interest which his father had always, absent or present,

taken in this concern.

The health of the deputy chairman of the company,

Mr. Wollaston, was next introduced by Mr. B Hawes,

jun. amidst universal plaudits. Mr. Hawes said, that

after the exciting nature of the last toast, it would be

difficult to secure the attention of the company to a

private person. But when the merits of that person

were considered, he (Mr. H.) was satisfied that justice

would be done to the toast which he had now the honour

of proposing. “Gentlemen,” continued Mr. H.,

“there was a time when the Tunnel was said to be

ruined; that there was no hope, no remedy.” At that

crisis, when you further consider the loss of property to

which Mr. Wollaston was exposed, and the abruptness

with which the alarming news was communicated to

him – called from his bed at two o’clock in the morn-

ing, you will hear me read with some interest the fol-

lowing communication, which, at the instant, he ad-

dressed to our chairman, and which I have taken the li-

berty to preserve, as one of the most remarkable ex-

amples I ever remember of self-possession and good

feeling in the most trying circumstances: –


“May 19, two o’clock, a.m.

“My dear Sir, – I thank you very sincerely for

your kind attention in sending me a witness of

this accident. I rejoice that every body is safe. I

am very glad to find that the only weak part of your

dear father’s inimitable mode of proceeding is where

it has always proved to be; I mean the tail of the

frame. Let us hope, that his capacious mind will con-

quer this weak part, and conduct us all safe, under the

protection of Providence, to the end of this most enter-

prising undertaking. Your accident has not alarmed

my rest, but while awake I am cheered by your in-

telligence, and remain with thanks very truly yours,


Mr. Hawes expressed his hope, that he should stand

excused for giving publicity to this note, so honourable

to the writer, and so cheering to all connected with

the Tunnel.


The health of the ladies was then proposed by Mr.

Gravatt, and the conviviality of the evening terminated.

The workmen, to the number of more than 100,

dined at the same time in the adjoining arch, and be-

sides their own toasts, which were distinctly heard, to

the great gratification of Mr J. Brunel and his

friends, they echoed loudly the cheers given in the

course of the evening. On one occasion, towards the

close of the entertainment, a proposal was made by them,

through their foreman, which will appear novel to

such of our readers as are unacquainted with mining

operations. A pick-axe and spade were produced,

and held up as the symbols of their craft, over

which they requested three times three, in honour

of the same; a request which was complied with in

shouts, which for some minutes resounded with surpris-

ing effect throughout the whole length of the subterra-

neous or rather sub-aqueous edifice.


Mr. Ramsey, the painter, who was of the company,

early left the table, in order to make a coloured sketch

of a scene which, from its remarkable contrast of light

and shade, would have been worthy of Rembrandt.

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