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Did you create a tile for the Ship of Blueprints in 2004?

We’re seeking the child artists who were involved in the creation of the Ship of Blueprints on the Musuem site in 2004.

The Ship of Blueprints is a community-led artwork. It was made in 2004 with artist Martin Cottis and Liz Leyh, made with local children from Adams Gardens and Swan Road estates. It currently sits outside the Tunnel Shaft on the Brunel Museum site.

Now, the Brunel Museum are looking to find the children who were involved in the creation of this artwork to share their stories and experiences. Those who recall being involved are encouraged to contact the Museum to share their details.


If you were involved in that project at the time, or know someone who was, we want to hear from you about your experiences.

Please email the Brunel Museum on

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