Sustainability at the Brunel Museum
Yesterday, 9 August, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its long awaited report stating, unsurprisingly to many interested in tackling the climate emergency, that Climate Change is man-made, and we have until the end of the decade to reverse the worst effects of global heating. It seems there is no better time therefore for …
Family Fridays at the Brunel Museum this August
From Friday 6 August, families will be able to enjoy the Museum an extra day of the week, as well as some brilliant family activities. There is a family friendly storytelling session on Friday 20 August, with author Robert Guidi. Guidi’s novel, Isambard and the Cato Street conspiracy, tells the story of a 16-year-old Isambard Kingdom Brunel who …
Summer Art Competition
Congratulations to the winners of our Art Competition who receive £25 of Love2Shop vouchers and a free trip to the museum. If you would like to see the winning entries and more about the choices (and judges), click here: Art Competition Winners.
Director’s Blog – July 2021
Wedding bells have been ringing at the Brunel Museum this month, with three couples already getting hitched at our venue and another planned at the end of the month. As well as helping to secure the Museum’s financial future, it’s such an honour for me that couples would choose to spend such an important day …
The Museum will be closed 10 to 11 July
Please note that the Museum will be closed to the public Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 July due to private hire. The Museum will reopen to the public at 11am on Saturday 17 July. You can book your tickets here: The Brunel Museum Charity – Art Tickets
The Museum will be closed 10 to 11 July
Please note that the Museum will be closed to the public Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 July due to private hire. The Museum will reopen to the public at 11am on Saturday 17 July. You can book your tickets here: The Brunel Museum Charity – Art Tickets
Director’s Blog – June 2021
We started this month with a bang thanks to our Community Open Weekend. After what has been a tricky year for everyone, we wanted the opportunity to give something back to our local community.
Director’s Blog – June 2021
We started this month with a bang thanks to our Community Open Weekend. After what has been a tricky year for everyone, we wanted the opportunity to give something back to our local community. We welcomed more than double the number of people we would get in a normal weekend. We were delighted to be …
Take a peep at the Brunel Museum’s installation this half-term
Visitors can step back into history and into a giant version of one of the Museum’s objects this half-term at the Brunel Museum. The Museums terrace will be transformed, as visitors will be invited to step inside a giant peepshow. Inspired by the Museum collections, Central St Martin’s student Tara Corovic …
Brunel Museum says goodbye to two longstanding trustees
‘We are sorry to report that two of our longest standing Trustees, Jane Stancliffe and Andrew McManus, are leaving us in May. We would like to thank them both for their contribution to the Board, and briefly celebrate the achievements during this time. Jane and Andrew both joined the board of trustees in 2016, …